Daily Sales Report

Last Updated: November 29, 2023

What's in this article?

  • Run Report on POS
  • Run Report from Back Office Web portal
  • Report explanations
    1. Log into the POS
    2. Select the ···MORE tab from the bottom-right
    3. Select the Daily Sales Report
    4. To print the report click on PRINT
    5. To change the date of the report being shown:
      1. Select the date at the bottom of the POS
      2. Select the date you wish to view
      3. Click DONE
      4. The report will update to the show the information for the date selected
    1. Log into the Back Office Web Portal
    2. Tap on the Hamburger Menu from the top-left
    3. Select Reports
    4. Go to the Sales and Venue tab 
    5. Set the Date for the day that you wish to run the daily report
    6. The report will generate below
    7. Review and/or export the report


    1. Revenue - Shows the revenue details for the day including gross sales, tips, and tax
    2. Tender - Shows the breakdown of tender types and the amount collected via each
    3. Cash - Shows the breakdown of cash transactions including paid in/outs and tip-outs
    4. Revenue Groups - Broken down to show the Adjusted Gross Sales, Discounts and Net Sales for individual Revenue Groups
    5. Unresolved - Shows Tabs and Labor Shifts that are still open. Unresolved House Accounts will refer to any un-closed tab in the POS
    6. Sales Breakdown - Breakdown of what was sold
    7. Reporting Groups - Breakdown of sales for Items within Reporting Groups
    8. Discount Groups - Breakdown of discounts amounts by Discount Group
    9. Custom Tenders - Breakdown of amounts taken for each custom tender type
    10. Gift Card Load - Shows the Gift Cards Loaded that day
    11. 2986a0ecf01373439dd05bf79d03967a.png
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