How To Request A Partial Refund of a Check

How To Request A Partial Refund of a Check

Last Updated: August 26, 2022

What's in this article?

Partial refunds are currently done through Expitrans (Our Payments Processor)

Fill in and Email Expitrans Using the following Template:


Subject: Support Request Received Partial Refund for [Insert Venue Name]

to: Michelle Sanchez <>

cc: Austin Nobles <>, SmartTab Support <>


Hi Expitrans team,

Can we please process a partial refund for the following merchant and tab listed below?  Please confirm once completed.

  • Business Name - 
  • Tab # - 
  • Customer Name - 
  • Date - 
  • Total - 
  • Last 4 of Card - 
  • Refund Amount - 


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